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Movimiento Continuo

Single channel projection with sound, 2019, 14 min

Architecture and cinema understood as transfers, from systems of ideas to material structures. Both as supporting structures of unstable and diffuse structures, models that move on different scales of the real.The film studies the processes of transfer, transformation and hybridization in the context of the modernity project in Latin America.Taking as a case study, the history of the PREVI, an experimental housing project in Lima, projected in the late sixties with the utopian zeitgeist, it brought together the architectural avant-garde of that time. Built in a first stage, interrupted by a coup d'etat and radically transformed over time, the project brought together in Lima the most radical architectural avant-garde of that time. For the research of the project, archive material is collected from different sources, one of them the personal files of one of the participants, Antonio Vázquez de Castro part of the Spanish team. Using different strategies that transform the project's archive material, the film explores different sequences, procedures and formal configurations to displace a fixed point of view on history.

︎︎︎L’Alternativa, 26º, Sección Oficial Nacional, CCCB, Barcelona, 2019
︎︎︎12th STRANGLOSCOPE, Mostra Internacional de Áudio, Vídeo, Filme, Performance, Florianópolis, 2019
︎︎︎From the South, Fix in Art, Thessaloniki, 2019

A film by Mauricio Freyre

Production stills, Movimiento Continuo, 2019